Digital Signage for schools

Why School Digital Signage?

  • Emergency: school signage provides fast and real-time emergency alerts.
  • Enhanced Communication: the schools communicate more flexibility with students and parents.
  • Food Safety & Nutrition: menu boards in the cafeteria help students make healthy choices.
  • Revenue: digital Signage boards are desirable locations for hosting events.

How does School Digital Signage Work?

Upload or create your content.

You can add to create content into our Web based app. we try to simplify our app fro our customers. our app is easiest and efficient app in the world.

Create a playlist

Create a playlist of your files to show on signage. it is so easy to create, just few drag and drop and click on create bottom.

Create a digital screen

Gather all playlists, schedule them in advance and share it on screen,

Publish your content

Once the content is configure, Download Adsy signage app for free and install it on android devices.

  • Display Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and more to highlight upcoming events.
  • Strengthen the student community while sharing key information across campus.
  •  Change and adapt images daily, post seasonal photos.
  • Keep students and staff informed with news headlines and photos
  • Use Google Calendar to show upcoming events on the digital displays Customize your screens with Single Calendar and Overview Modes.

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