Digital Signage for Retail

The retail landscape is rapidly changing, and for leading brands, cutting through the media noise is key to attracting consumers and turning them into customers. Studies show that 70% of the human brain is used for sight — and marketing technology such as smart digital signs elevate the way brands engage consumers, drive sales and impact brand value. Influential shopper experiences need to be powered by an impactful digital communication strategy — driving shopper attention and action. Scala powers millions of digital signs around the world, leading the wave of transformation in brick and mortar retail.

  • Adsygroup Digital signage player helps retail stores to become successful.
  • Build modern image and engage with your audience.
  • Bring your promotions and store to life
  • Adsy group provides range of digital signs templates for retail stores.
  • Easy to learn – easy to use
  • Full product range for retail stores and shopping malls.
  • Flexible platform for choosing and using widgets
  •  Adsygroup provides 24/7 support
  • Adsygroup digital signage provides Low cost of ownership.

How does Retail Digital Signage Work?

Upload or create your content.

You can add to create content into our Web based app. we try to simplify our app fro our customers. our app is easiest and efficient app in the world.

Create a playlist

Create a playlist of your files to show on signage. it is so easy to create, just few drag and drop and click on create bottom.

Create a digital screen

Gather all playlists, schedule them in advance and share it on screen,

Publish your content

Once the content is configure, Download Adsy signage app for free and install it on android devices.

Adsy signage delivers a complete user-friendly experience cloud based App that allow you to design, manage and deliver content to media players and displays.

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